The House of Europe in Rhodes

2nd International Conference of the House of Europe in Rhodes in cooperation with the University of the Aegean and the support of the Prefecture of the Dodecanese on : «Romas: So known yet so unknown to us all: The position of Gypsies in the enlarged Europe», featuring 13 speakers from four Hellenic Universities.

All the speakers dealt with this very sensitive issue and unfolded all the measures and changes as well as the solutions indicated by the Greek administration on the housing of the Roma, their integration in the Greek society, the solution of the social problems they face and the gradual extinction of the clichιs they are related to in the society’s conscience in order to follow the changes within the E.U.

The Conference started with the projection of a short film, titled “The Gipsies of Athens”, work of the very well known Greek journalist Mrs. Elisabeth Philippouli, prepared for CNN, which was chosen and prized as one of the 3 best short films in the world on a “special topic”.

Mrs. Philippouli presented a speech on her experience. During the Conference the speakers dealt with this very difficult issue and tried to enlighten its various sides. The problematic of the Programs of the E.U. concerning the solution of the education of the Roma children.