The House of Europe in Rhodes

Inauguration and opening of our Offices in the Medieval Town, 30 Evreon Martiron Square & Vizantiou.

Our new Metropolitan Bishop, His Holiness Kirillos officiated.

The Prefect Mr. I. Mahairidis, the Mayor Mr. G. Giannopoulos, the “Woman of Europe” Mrs A. Moshi, many representatives of the Authorities and of the Archaeological Services honoured the ceremony.

We honoured with plaques and appointed as honorary members the following:

  • Mr. G. Giannopoulos, Mayor of Rhodes
  • Mrs. M. Mihailidou, Director of the 4th Section of Byzantine Antiquities and
  • Mrs. M. Stamatiou – Papadaki, President of the Emm. & Mary Stamatiou Scholarships Foundation as honorary member and Benefactress
  • Mr. G. Kremlis, Head of Unit ENV D3 European Commission DG Environment
  • Mr. N. Konstas, President of the House of Europe in Thessaloniki, as an Honorary President but was not present due to the bad weather conditions
  • Mrs. M. Mantikou-Hoedlmoser, as an Honorary member of the Association and the Admistrative Board.

The ceremony of the Holy Water was followed by a large buffet.