The House of Europe in Rhodes

An event dedicated to Slovakia, hosted in the “Georgios Karayiannis” Conference Hall of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Dodecanese (Rhodes), in the presence of his Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia in Greece Mr. Yaroslav Chliebo, his spouse as well as of the General Secretary of the Embassy of said State Mr. Peter Michalco.

The event featured:

  • a film on Slovakia, followed by
  • a buffet of Slovak drinks and delicacies, courteously offered by the Slovakian Embassy.

In the morning before the event, there have been protocol visits paid by the Ambassador Escorted by the President Mrs. M. Sokianou, to the Prefect of the Dodecanese, the Mayor of Rhodes, the President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Dodecanese as well as to Mr. Seymenis, Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Financial Projection and Development studies at the University of the Aegean.