The House of Europe in Rhodes

Elections took place in the PLAZA Hotel for the appointment of new administrative members of the Association “The House of Europe in Rhodes”.

After the General Assembly and the elections the new Administrative Council for the period of 2003-2005 was appointed with the following members:

Administrative Council:

  • President Sokianou Marilena
  • Secretary Haritou Anna
  • Treasurer Zifou Petra


  • Agiakatsika Korina
  • Kremli Mary
  • Filippou Maria
  • Mantikou- Hoedlmoser Maritsa

Mrs. Stavrianou Efi was elected as a Runner-up for the Administrative Council

Auditing Committee:

  • Markakiou Veronika
  • Nikolidaki Efi
  • Zifou Eleni

For the Auditing Committee the Runner-up elected was Mrs. Kritikou Katina.