The House of Europe in Rhodes

With the occasion of the 50th Anniversary from the signing of the Rome Treaty and due to the need of the views of the European Citizens to be heard, the European Union launched Program “D”, in the frameworks of which two International Youth Conferences are organized the same time in Brandbjerg, Copenhagen, Denmark and Rhodes, Greece. The two conferences, sympolizing the dialogue between North and South are organized by the IUC (International Education Center) of Copenhagen and the House of Europe in Rhodes, respectively.

In each of the conferences, 50 young people, aged 18-30, from all the countries of the European Union state-members will participate. During the week-long sessions, delegates will be divided in 5 groups and convene as the Committees of the European Parliament. The delegates will debate and rule on matters of their interest, as young european citizens.

On a daily basis, the resolution of the sessions will be announced on the website of the conferences, In the official website, you will find more on the conference.

The final conclusions of the Conference will be officially presented, by representatives of the delegates, to the European Parliament and the European Commission, who will take under consideration for the new Constitutional Treaty.

The conferences are co-founded by the European Commissio (70%) and the organizing institutions (30%).