The House of Europe in Rhodes

The Thermal Sources of Kalithea S.A. and the House of Europe in Rhodes, with the support of the General Hospital of Rhodes, the Local Coordinating Committee of Donation of Human Organs of the General Hospital of Rhodes, and the Association of Social Workers of the Dodecanese has organized a one day Conference at the Thermal Sources in Kalithea, on Sunday, 20 April 2008, at 11.00 o’clock in the morning.

This activity, which is the 3rd on a row, has been organized within the concept of a large campaign the House of Europe in Rhodes started already in 2005 in the city of Rhodes and repeated in 2006 in the village Apollona.

The campaign was named “Dimitris Karytsas” after the name of an 11 year old boy who lost his life waiting for a heart donation.


  1. Manolis Triantaphyllou
  2. Eleni Antonoglou
  3. Mary Chatziantoniou