The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

To the 1001 Actions for Dialogue, we have also included the very important participation of the International School of Languages of Rhodes which has granted to us the artistic creation of 125 of its pupils which was created with the initiative and guidance of the F.A.M. (Femme Art Mediterranee) Network, an International Network of Women Creators for Peace of the Mediterranean, which is acting under the auspices of the UNESCO, has its seat in Rhodes and was founded in 1998 by its President Mrs. Aliki Moshi Gauguet, who among other things is an elected member of the Consulting Board of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Her husband Mr. Yves Gauguet, a former editor of exquisite art books, participates in the activities of the FAM Network, at the side of his wife, and under this quality he undertook the guidance of an educational program of artistic creation of the pupils of the International School of Languages of Rhodes.

Mr. and Mrs. Gauguet have honored us accepting to present, on behalf of the F.A.M. Network, among the other Actions of the Program, the artifact which the children of the International School of Languages of Rhodes have created in order to promote the Dialogue through the artistic creation. This educational instrument, was created in 2005, under the guidance of Mr. Yves Gauguet, with the voluntary participation of 125 pupils of the 388 of the Centre, from 17 different countries among which 14 European. Mrs. Christina Savvaki Grandjean, psychologist and Mrs. Iris Fraratzi, artist, many parents as well as 24 professors of the Centre, have also participated. This educational instrument has united the personal creation of every pupil, on a collective composition entitled: «Crossed Emotions in Colours».

Within the contest of the presentation of the various actions that took place in Rhodes for the «1001 Actions for Dialogue» Program and which will be presented to the Anna Lindh Foundation headquarters, a DVD has been edited, including the presentation of all the Actions. In this DVD Mr. Yves Gauguet commented the above mentioned artifact and defined the thought which led the FAM Network to propose to the children to read fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen and to express with colours their feelings, such as: joy, emotion, sadness, fear, anger, surprise or disgust.

The selection of Andersen fairy tales was related to the 200th anniversary since the birth of the famous Danish author, in 1805. Τhe children, expressing like painter-artists their feelings and converting them into colours, they have realized and understood the equality and equivalence of human feelings, thoughts and emotions, beyond gender, nationality, religion or social status.

What would be a more important result one could accomplish, through this collective artifact of the children of a multinational school, than the example of a Dialogue based on the recognition and acceptance of respecting the other as oneself?

Le texte francais…

Comme manifestation premiθre nous avons retenu une action du Rιseau F.A.M. (Femme-Art-Mιditerranιe) c’est-ΰ-dire le Rιseau International des Femmes Crιatrices de Mιditerranιe. Ce rιseau, sous les auspices de l’UNESCO et basι ΰ Rhodes, a ιtι fondι en 1998 par son actuelle prιsidente Mme Aliki Moschis-Gauguet qui, par ailleurs, est membre du Conseil Consultatif de la Fondation Anna Lindh. Son ιpoux, Mr Yves Gauguet, ancien ιditeur franηais de livres de peintres, participe aux cτtιs de son ιpouse aux activitιs du Rιseau FAM et, ΰ ce titre, a initiι et conduit un projet pιdagogique de crιation artistique par les enfants du Centre International des Langues ΰ Rhodes.

Mr et Mme Gauguet nous ont honorι en acceptant que le Rιseau FAM prιsente, parmi le programme gιnιral, l’œuvre d’art rιalisι par les enfants du Centre International des Langues de Rhodes ayant comme but de promouvoir le dialogue par la crιation artistique. Cet outil pιdagogique rιalisι en 2005, sous la direction de Mr Yves Gauguet avec la participation de 125 enfants volontaires parmi les 388 ιlθves du Centre et provenant de 17 pays diffιrents dont 14 pays d’Europe, avec la participation de la psychologue Mme Christine Savvaki-Grandjean et de l’artiste Mme Iris Fraratzi, ainsi que de nombreux parents d’ιlθves et la collaboration active des 24 professeurs, a rιuni l’œuvre personnelle de chacun des ιlθves dans un tableau collectif intitulι: « Emotions croisιes en couleurs ».

Dans le cadre de la prιsentation gιnιrale des diffιrentes actions faites ΰ Rhodes au programme « 1001 actions pour le Dialogue » et qui, ΰ la fin, sera donnι ΰ la Fondation, un DVD sera rιalisι dans lequel Mr Yves Gauguet apportera ses commentaires et prιcisera la pensιe qui a conduit le Rιseau FAM ΰ proposer aux enfants d’exprimer sous la forme de diffιrentes couleurs les ιmotions ressenties ΰ la lecture des contes d’Hans Andersen telles que joie – ιmotion – tristesse – peur – colθre – surprise ou dιgoϋt. Le choix des contes d’Hans Christian Andersen a ιtι fait ΰ l’occasion du bi-centenaire de la naissance de ce cιlθbre ιcrivain danois en 1805.

En exprimant, tels des artistes peintres, leurs ιmotions et en les transposant en couleurs, les enfants ont perηu et compris l’ιgalitι humaine des sensations, pensιes et ιmotions au-delΰ des diffιrences de genre, de nationalitι, de religion ou de situation sociale.

Quelle chose plus importante pourrait-on vιritablement obtenir ΰ travers une peinture collective d’une ιcole et des enfants de nombreuses nationalitιs que l’exemple d’un dialogue basι sur la reconnaissance et le respect de l’autre comme de soi-mκme ?