The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Τhe House of Europe together with the Centre of European Information “Europe Direct” and the International Centre of Writers and Translators have visited five Elementary Schools and one High School in the town of Rhodes and one representative from each one of the above institutions spoke to the children, asked them questions aiming on the enrichment of their knowledge around the European Union.

On behalf of the House of Europe in Rhodes the President Anna Charitou and the Secretary Marilena Sokianou accentuated the achievements of the E.U. on Peace, Democracy and Prosperity for its citizens, the importance of the role of the Society of Citizens in the formation of a favorite climate in the acceptance of the E.U. decisions with information and knowledge as its means.

Τhe schools they visited are:

  • 08/05/08 the College of Rhodes
  • 09/05/8 “Rodion Paedia” and the 12th Elementary School
  • 12/05/08 the 17th Elementary School
  • 13/05/08 the 1st High School and the 18th Elementary School

On behalf of the Centre of European Information “Europe Direct” Mr. Paris Kakas participated in the above program. He focused on information around the function, the institutions and the symbols of the E.U. On behalf of the International Centre of Writers and Translators they explained to the children the role of the Hellenic Classical Literature and the Hellenic Culture and Heritage in the formation of the European Culture. They referred on the most important European literary achievements, the novels which marked the History of Europe.

Informative material has been distributed to all the children who participated in this program.