The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

The annual General Assembly and Conference of the Houses of Europe, members of the European Federation EUNET, took place this year in Trencianske Teplice, in Slovakia.

The President Anna Charitou and the Secretary Marilena Sokianou have participated from Rhodes.

Mrs. Sokianou is also an elected member of the EUNET seven members Presidium and has participated, in the morning of November 7th, before the beginning of the G.A. and Conference at a Board meeting.

The topic of the conference was: “Bridging Cultures through Dialogue”.

Official guest and main speaker at the conference was the Commissioner responsible for the Education and Culture in the E.U., Mr. Jan Figel.

During the G.A. -in which the Youth Section of EUNET has participated for the second time- there should also be elections in order to fill in the vacancy as one member of the Board has resigned since the first elections in 2007.

Still as the President Mrs. Nina Nordaard from Danemark has also resigned it has been decided to have new elections for the whole Board sometime in June.

Μembers from the House of Europe in Thessaloniki the recently founded House of Europe in Cyprus have also participated for the first time in an EUNET G.A. and Conference.