The House of Europe in Rhodes

Τhe House of Europe in Rhodes has promoted the Paneuropean Written Contest of a Litteral Text organized by the Europahaus Graz of Austria for young people 18 – 25 years of age proclaimed by the «Europa-Literaturkreis Kapfenberg» on the following issue: «The Europe of 2025. Expectations and Vision for its Citizens and their Personal Contribution ».

The young people who will participate will have to develop their ideas and visions on the European Integration, the Enrollment in the E.U. and the European Identity on the social level and the actions to be developed on a personal level as European citizens, in order to fulfill their vision.

The prizes are for the 3 best papers 500 , 300 και 150 €

Τhe Europe Houses of Rhodes and Gratz, both members of the Federation EUNET have promoted this contest.

Unfortunately from Rhodes there has been no participation.