The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Τhe first House of Europe in Greece has been founded in Athens in 1978, with the initiative of the professor of astrophysics, the late Vassilis Petropoulos.

Τhe 1st Conference of the Houses of Europe of Greece and Cyprus has been organized with the initiative of the House of Rhodes and the Houses which have participated are the following: Athens “Lord Byron”, Thessaloniki, Patras, Kalamata, Cefallonia, Cyprus and Rhodes.

Through written messages and description of their deeds another two Houses have participated too: the House of Athens, and the House of Caterini.

Aims of the Conference:

  1. The acquaintance of the Houses, their deeds and representatives
  2. The decision for the foundation of a Federation of Houses of Europe from Greece and Cyprus
  3. A short mention on their deeds, since their foundation and exchange of ideas and views
  4. Information of the participants about their participation in the European federation of Houses of Europe EUNET
  5. The decision about organizing an Annual Conference at the seat of every member which will deal with the European Topic of every European Year.