The House of Europe in Rhodes

Τhe small round trip around the island of Rhodes, including a visit of the archaeological site of the Acropolis of Lindos and the Byzantine Church of the Holy Virgin in Lindos as well as the architecturally protected village of Lindos were included in the full day excursion which has concluded the 1st Conference of the Houses of Europe in Greece and Cyprus.

The participants had an opportunity to mingle, discuss and enjoy in an informal very pleasant ambiance and within the aim of tightening their bonds and knowing better the beautiful island of Rhodes. The guiding to all the sites was done by the Secretary of the House of Rhodes and Member of the Administrative Board of the Federation EUNET Mrs. Marilena Sokianou.

They have also visited the Byzantine Church of Foundoukli and they had lunch in the village of Embona where they were given the opportunity to dance greek traditional dances with live music and…a lot of local wine.