The House of Europe in Rhodes

The second meeting in Rhodes was the last working meeting of the two years long European Program GRUNDTVIG-REPERES, within the concept of «lifelong learning».

Τhe House of Europe in Rhodes participated in this program as a partner by its members: Mrs. Anna Charitou, President, Mrs. Marilena Sokianou, Secretary and Mr Constantin Sokianos, member, as alternate. The working language was French.

The collaboration of the partners has been realized with 8 meetings, twice in the seats of the 4 partners, which were the following:

· The House of Europe of Toulouse (France)

· The House of Europe in Rhodes (Greece)

· The European Network of Education and Training EUNET (Germany)

· The CVCE which administrates the numeric encyclopedia ENA (Luxembourg)

The program aim has been to register the historic events of Europe since 1815 to nowadays and to create the necessary tools (manuals, power points, maps, plans, questionnaires) to help the formation of European citizens on taking conscience of their European Identity.

The program aim has been to register the historic events of Europe since 1815 to nowadays and to create the necessary tools (manuals, power points with pictures, maps, sketches, plans, annexes with auxiliary texts for the teaching personnel, memory and knowledge games e.t.c.) which are already at the disposal of other Houses or similar structures which will be willing to deal with the formation of their members or members of the society on the European History or the History and Evolution of the European Union. At the end of the training period, with the help of especially prepared detailed questionnaires, the testimonies of the participants or members of their family or their entourage, will register historic events they have witnessed themselves or have heard about, narrated by an eye witness. This way the participants will be able to relate their own experience with some European historic event, and feel that they also make part of the European History.

Τhe House of Europe in Rhodes, took the initiative, to prepare additional tools on the main historic events concerning Greece, the Balkans and the Middle East (the Greek Revolution 1821, The Balkan Wars, the Greek-Turkish war in Asia Minor 1822 etc. and also Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt). All these tools are at the disposal of any interested party, on the Internet and together with the questionnaires have been already translated in Greek by Mrs. M. Sokianou and Mrs. Charitou.