The House of Europe in Rhodes

The trip and stay to Rhodes was the prize the Greek-Austrian Association which has its seat in Vienna has offered to the winners of the Olympiade of Ancient Greek, which takes place in Austria every year!!

The program has been coordinated by the president of the Greek-Austrian Association, Maria Mavromichali-Botz, who unfortunately passed away just before the second trip to Rhodes. She had contacted the member of the House Maritsa Mandikou-Hoedlmoser who has immensely contributed to the success of the program not only secured the accommodation of the pupils and escorts but also offered her own time in order to escort and to guided them during the whole length of their stay, during both trips.

The House of Europe has received the small group in its premises offering them a Greek meal. The pupils on their side have played the piano and have sung the Anthem of the E.U. in German closing beautifully this unique meeting. Τhe enthusiasm of our visitors was such that we are convinced that the young Austrian pupils will become the best ambassadors of Rhodes in Austria.

We hope that we will have the pleasure to host them again in 2012.