The House of Europe in Rhodes

Successfully and reaching quorum the Annual Regular General Assembly with Elections took place at the Office of the House of Europe.

The President Anna Charitou presented to the General Assembly the Account of the Activities of the House for 2010 and 2011. The treasurer Petra Zifou has given the G.A. the Economic Account and the conclusion of the control of the Economic Account (receipts and disbursements) by the Examining Committee has been read by one of its members Valassia Paraskeva. The withdrawn Board has been discharged from its task and Rea Papachristou, lawyer, was elected to preside the 3 member Committee and together with Gerassimos Protolatis (as Secretary) and Anthoula Karaolani, lawyer (as member) they have been charged to carry out the elections.

59 members came to cast their votes, and the results were the following:

For the Board:
Marilena Sokianou 52 votes   President
Petra Zifou 46                            Treasurer
Anna Charitou 45                      Secretary

Maria Nissyriou 36
Michael Kavouklis 36
Maria Philippou 24
Efi Stavrianou 23

For the Examining Committee:
Valassia Paraskeva 43
Katina Kritikou 43
Veronica Markakiou 29

Τhe new Board during its first meeting decided upon the assignment of each one of the elected members

Here below you can find the invitation for the G.A. with Elections and the Agenda:

The House of Europe in Rhodes invites its members, on Sunday 4 March 2012, at 11.00 a.m., at the office of the House in the Medieval City:Evreon Martyron Str., 30 & Byzantiou (just after the remains of the Church of our Lady of the Burgo). The presence of the members is necessary in order to reach a quorum.
In case there will be no quorum the elections will take place the following Sunday March 11th, 2012 at the same place and the same time without any further notification.

1. Αccount of the Activities for the years 2010-2011
2. Economic Account of the receipts and disbursements for the years 2010-2011
3. Result of the Controlling Committee
4. Discharge of the leaving Board
5. Appointment of a three member Committee responsible to operate the elections
6. Elections

Any member who would like to get involved more energetically and is interested to present his/her candidacy for the elections he/she can do it up to Friday, March 2nd 2012 in the evening orally or in written to the President or any ther member of the Board.