The House of Europe, within the frame of the activities for celebrating the International Day for the Woman’s Rights and for Peace has organized the theatrical presentation of the: “Reflected Monologues”,
which has been highly appreciated by the public at the amphitheatre of the College of Rhodes.
Please click on the following link for the spot realized by Gabriel Charitos and Nikos Tzedakis:
During the reflection of souls and bodies, light and shadows, the two genders introduce themselves to one another again, they remember and put themselves at the disposal of the universal truth of love. A couple through time…two truths on stage!
The leading roles have been interpreted by: Maria Manioti and Yannis Krikonis
Text by Chara Kondou
Costumes and scenography by Savvas Koutros & Choice of music Alexandre Louizidis
The revenue has been offered to the Workshops of Special Professional Education and Formation of Rhodes.