The House of Europe in Rhodes

Τhe House of Europe since its foundation in the year 2000 has demonstrated an exceptional sensibility towards the children with “special talents”, the handicapped children.

Recently the President of the House and members of the Administrative Board have visited the EEEEK (Special Workshop for the Professional Education and Formation for Handicapped Teenagers), met with the manager of the School Mrs. Artemis Konstandiou and most of the members of the staff and has discussed with them the needs and expectations of the centre. From this meeting some very interesting results have arised:

1. The House has covered the expenses for the purchase of two special “dolls”, a male and a female on which the pupils can learn how to do and undo buttons, zippers, knots etc Practicing on them will render them more dexterous and teach them how to dress and undress by themselves. It has also covered the purchase of a special “instrument” to help them learn all about time.

2. The House has also came into contact with the very important Belgian non for profit organization AIGS (Association Interregionale de Guidance et de Sante) of which the siege is in Liege and which employs more than 600 employees. The House collaborates with AIGS during the past 10 years and has applied and secured a 2 to 3 weeks stage for at least one member of the school’s personnel, who will be sent to Belgium during the summer of 2013. During their stay there they will be invited to work together with their colleagues of AIGS in order to learn from them about the best practices and the newest know-how.