The House of Europe in Rhodes

Participation of the president Ms Marilena Sokianou at the Regular Annual General Assembly, with Elections, of the European Network EUNET at Vukovar in Croatia, on the bank of the Danube river, on the Serbo–-Croatian border, for the first time in a territory outside the borders of the E.U.

27/09 Board meeting of EUNET with the participation of the president as an elected member.

28/09 Arrival and inscription of the participants. Meeting with local authorities and members of the House of Europe of Vukovar. 29/09 a)Conference on the European Identity, the issue of the European Year 2013. b) Elections of the new EUNET Administrative Board, for the period 2012-2015. During these elections the president of the House of Rhodes has been reelected, for her 3rd mandate, and this time as a Vice-president of EUNET.

1st Board Meeting after the elections.

30/09 Departure of the participants. Return to Rhodes.