The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

The 3rd Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation 2012, a simulation Conference of Regional Organizations has been organized in Rhodes, in the centre of the city, in the premises of the Town Hall.

This year, for the first time, the conference has been extended, except of its University level, also to the Senior High School level. Forty five University students and two observers and 40 Senior High school pupils and 5 observers from Fyrom, Denmark and Greece have participated.

For both the University and Senior High school levels the organisms which have been simulated were: The Union for the Mediterranean and the Council of Europe.

The most interesting point is that this was the first International Open Senior High school simulation which takes place in Greece and the first such one organized on a Senior High school level which is supervised by a Scientific Committee consisting of professors and searchers from the most important University Institutions and Research Centres from Greece and abroad.

This particular type of conference, which is extremely disseminated abroad, consists a unique opportunity for the participating youngsters to experience unique moments, to develop their debating skills and to express the opinions of the country-members of the organisms that are being simulated.

On the 17/10, during the Opening Ceremony of the Conference, the participants have enjoyed Renaissance music with two guitars played by members of the German-Greek Music and Culture Association “Terpsichori-Leverkusen”.