The House of Europe in Rhodes


On Tuesday, 25/02/2014, four young scientists who comes from or live on Rhodes island, share their experiences and their views on what is Europe, how they and other Europeans perceive it, what is the Europe that we have and what kind of Europe we want?

The four young speakers are:

1. Helena Gianniki – Lawyer.

2. George Maris –  European Political Economy Doctor and Economic Governance.

3. Anastasios Chatzianastasiou – BA in Business Management, MA in Marketing Communications,  ΜΑ in Diplomatic Studies.

4. Stefani Janjanin, graduate student of the Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean,in the field of International Relations and Organizations.

The event is open to the public and it will start at 19:00, at the Commerce and Industry Chamber of the Dodecanese.  (

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