The House of Europe in Rhodes welcomed the head of AIGS (Association Interregionale de Guidance et de Sante) Mr. Marc Garcet. The AIGS organization is working with the House of Europe in Rhodes since 2002 and has performed various programs, such as educational / specialized training in Belgium from the Dodecanese in special education issues. The agency AIGS, currently employs 800 staff specializing in the care, treatment of people with addiction to substances, with psychological problems and the elderly. Also provides the active integration of these people into the community.
Mr. Garcet visited the Experimental Special School housed in the building of the Academy, accompanied by Mrs. Marilena Sokianou, former president of the House of Europe and Mrs. Katerina Stamatelopoulou Secretary of the House of Europe. They met with the director of the school Mrs. Mary Giannousopoulou and the faculty, they shared breakfast with the kids and discussed the methods and programs the school follows and the difficulties it faces. They agreed on further cooperation.
They also visited the 1st Special School where they have discussed extensively with the director Mr. Tita Papakalodouka about the school’s programs, activities, and difficulties. They agreed to create a bridge, through Internet technologies, such as Skype, with a corresponding school of Belgium to carry out activities, such as games and sports, to teach them to the children and to share information on the history and culture of both countries.
The agency AIGS (Association Interregionale de Guidance et de Sante) and the representatives of the House of Europe in Rhodes also met with the president of the Museum of Modern Art, Mr. Nicholas Fronas. Mr. Marc Garcet made proposals for cooperation of the Museum with the art courses organized by AIGS agency.
The House of Europe invited Mr. Marc Garcet and his wife at its offices in the Medieval City for a relaxing evening with Rhodian ouzo and Greek delights. The President of the House, Mr. Michael Kavouklis offered the guest as a souvenir, a ceramic with the Abduction of Europa, who has painted specifically for the House of Europe, the sculptor Costas Neophytou.
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