The House of Europe participated in the Annual General Meeting of the European Network for Education and Lifelong Learning EUNET, the official network of Houses of Europe. The EUNET is one of the largest operators of Civil Society at European level, dedicated to the promotion of the European Idea and the Cooperation of the Peoples of Europe through education of young people and adults. It consists of 61 members-organizations in 20 countries which aim is one Europe for all.

The mission of the House of Europe consists of the Chairman of the House Michael Kavouklis, the former President Marilena Sokianou, the Secretary Katerina Stamatelopoulou, the Treasurer Stavros Chrysochos and the Board members Dimitris Dontas and Magdalene Tsourdiou.
This year’s General Assembly and Conference EUNET, took place from 20 to 23 November 2014 in Prague, and was dedicated to three anniversaries: 1. Ten years since the establishment of EUNET in 2004 2. Ten years of the major enlargement of the European Union in 2004, and 3. the Twenty-Five years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The general title of the conference was “Europe and its citizens: 1989 – 2004 -2014” and the purpose of the lectures and workshops was to capture how the fall of the Berlin Wall and the great enlargement of 2004 has changed Europe, two major events that “joined” Western with Eastern Europe, and how, ten years later, the Citizens manage the changes followed and how involved are in shaping the common future. The main purpose of the EUNET and its members is to promote the active participation to the processes for the formation of this common European future, so that citizens can discuss and decide together on this and to benefit more from the European institutions they have formed.

Within the G.A. were held the elections of the Network for the promotion of the seven-member Board of Directors. The former President of the House of Europe in Rhodes, Mrs. Marilena Sokianou, was elected for the fourth consecutive time in the administration of EUNET ensuring active participation of the House of Europe in decisions about the future of Network, representing Greece, Cyprus and generally the southern Europe to the Board of EUNET. Mr. Richard Stock was elected as a president of EUNET Network, Treasurer Mr. Hanns Christhard and members Wolfgang Forthofer, Kamil Skladek, Karsten Lucke, Ake Soderman.

Finally, during the conference were finalized the details of EUNET programs and actions at European level. Further details will be announced soon on this website.
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