The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

The House of Europe in Rhodes invites all the members at the Annual General Assembly, which will be held at its offices, adress Evraion Martyron 30 & Vyzantiou ( Medieval Town), on Sunday 1st of February 2015, at 6:00  in the evening.


  1. Annual Report 2014
  2. Financial Report 2014
  3. Conclusion of the Audit Committee
  4. Modify the number of Board members (based on article 12, paragraph 8 of the charter)
  5. Adoption Plan / Budget Year 2015

Participation right in the General Meeting have only the members that have fulfilled their financial obligations. Financial settlement of the members will be done until the start of the meeting. The members wishing to be financially settled should call at 2241030486 or at, for more information.

In case of no quorum, the General Assembly will be held next Sunday, 08 February 2015, in the same place and same time without further notice, with the members present.


«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only».