The House of Europe in Rhodes

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The owners, the publisher, the authors and the collaborators of the newspaper “Rodiac”


Dear friends,

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the first issue of the newspaper “Rhodiac”, we would like to congratulate you on this unique station in the Greek regional press and thank you for the many years of your offer.

The Rhodiac newspaper is a reference point for informing our country. A fixed point of reference with a clear orientation to the values ​​and the ethos that characterize you as well as the vision and unique ingredients that make Rhodes unique, as a multicultural, extroverted, international place, a place that is constantly evolving and developing. And the “Rhodiac” is always there to record this development, to steer the delays in progress and to reward those who help the development.

“Rhodiac” is also close to Europe: it shares the anxiety about the Common European Vision, is concerned about the derailment of European Integration from the values ​​that inspired it and above all it always finds space in its pages to inform our fellow citizens about these issues, but also to step into exceptional columnists and scientists to submit their concerns.

And of course, the “Rhodiac” is always close to her HouseEurope in Rhodes, to record its actions, to promote its positions and to share with the Rhodian public its successes. We assure you that your sheets, printed or digital, have traveled all over Europe, proof of our action to our partners and friends of the House.

On behalf of all the members of the House of Europe in Rhodes, we always wish you good luck and celebrate together the next century of valid information in our country.

For the Board of Directors,

The president

Michael G. Kavuklis


The Secretary

Magdalini P. Tsourdiou”