«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only».
With stronger contact with our international networks, the European Network for Education and Training – EUNET and our active participation, and as a focal point for the Aegean-Crete, the Anna Lindh National Network, we aim to create projects that will enhance the extroversion of the Home and Rhodes and give opportunities for networking and participation to young people and young people from both Rhodes and the rest of Greece and Europe.
New structure! More participation!
With a new structure and reorganization of Committees and Working Groups, the House of Europe in Rhodes wants to bring together as many people as possible, sharing its goals and vision. Committees and Working Groups are open to all members of the House, but also to all their friends and family. More specifically these are:
- Youth Committee. The Youth Committee is responsible for managing the programs and actions of the Association concerning children and young people.
- Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee of the Association assists the Board of Directors. in the scientific documentation of his / her actions, with suggestions for a) the subject matter; b) the speakers; c) the structure; d) or any other subject asked for them. Entry holders have a postgraduate or higher degree.
- Documentation and Communication Committee. It has the responsibility to record the actions of the Association, to update and manage his website and channels in social media and to study the printed and promotional materials of the Association and, in general, the public image of the Association.
- Committee on Networking, International Actions and Programs. It is responsible for the management of the programs and actions organized by the Association or in which the Association participates as a partner, for the smooth participation of the Association in secondary organizations and networks and for the establishment and maintenance of relations of the Association with its respective bodies and organizations abroad.
- Committee on Extraversion and Public Relations. It is responsible for managing the Association’s relations with other relevant public or private sector actors at local and regional level.
- Mobile and Real Estate Management and Resource Management Committee. It is responsible for finding the resources necessary for the successful fulfillment of the objectives of the Association, the actions it undertakes and the management of its assets for this purpose.
- Organizing Committee of the International Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation Symposium (RhodesMRC).
- Volunteer Group. It is responsible for the education and management of the volunteers, members or friends of the Association, their distribution according to their abilities and availability to meet the needs arising from the Association’s actions.
- Educational Programs Group. It is responsible for developing educational programs in collaboration with local educators and contacting the Association with local schools of all levels to promote his goals.
- Connection Team with the University of the Aegean. It is responsible for developing and deepening relations with the University of the Aegean, managing joint actions and relations with the local academic community.
Home’s New Breath!
Our goal for 2016 is to co-operate with the local authorities to repair the Home of Europe in Rhodes, the Medieval City (roof and window insulation, control of electrical and plumbing, maintenance of pebble floor, modern equipment purchase).
Our mild renovation aims to create a new, modern space in the Medieval City of Rhodes, strategically located at the entrance / exit gates of the tourists, which will host a permanent exhibition titled “Rhodes and Europe: parallel roads” with a target group the hundreds of thousands of visitors to Rhodes who pass in front of the House, and also serve as a venue for seminars for 20-30 people, artistic events of 40-60 people, a reading room with the archives of the House and a small library devoted to European issues. Last but not least, the place to create a fertile alternative to hospitality, not only for the events of the House, but also for any other club or institution that wants to use them.
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