The House of Europe in Rhodes

«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only».

The House of Europe in Rhodes and the Rhodes Project Center for Historical and Social Research organize a topical event on “The Social Face of Europe after the Crisis”. The event will be held at the New Wing of the Museum of Neohellenic Art of the Municipality of Rhodes on Friday 1 July 2016 at 20:00.

At a time when people are constantly changing, with geopolitical, financial and humanitarian fluidity at levels that we have not seen in recent decades, the United Europe seems to be cut off from its founding principles, introverted, committed to economic issues alienated from its citizens, the man has gone from its center. Does Europe have a Social Dimension? How does the European Union influence our lives at local level? Can the citizen come back to the center of the European Idea?

At the event they will speak:

– Konstantina Kuneva, MEP MEP SIRIZA: “The social policies that the EU plans to draw in contrast to the austerity policies it imposes on member states “.

She is a graduate of Ethnography of the University of “St. Cyril and Methodius” and born in 1964 in Silistra, Bulgaria. Besides her mother tongue, she knows Bulgarian and Russian well. Mother of a son, having lived in Bulgaria the difficult years of transition, after the Zivkof regime collapsed in 2001, was forced to immigrate to Greece following the first large flow of citizens seeking work after the fall of the “wall.” She has worked in Greece since 2001 as an employee and from 2003 to 2008 as a cleaner in the contractors’ workshops of the company IOMCOM, in the cleaning of public companies. She has been an active trade unionist since 2002. She has been active in the Peoples Union and has been elected to his administration.

On 23/12/2008, as she returned late in the night from her shift, and had already received threats for her trade union action, she was attacked with caustic acid by strangers. The perpetrators of the attack have never been identified. It has survived thanks to the care of doctors and nurses. It was supported by a solid solidarity movement in Greece and abroad, providing resources for dozens of surgeries and treatments needed to restore the vital functions of its organization.

Notwithstanding the attack, he does not regret the fight he has given for labor rights and respect for labor law. These goals are more relevant than ever, not only in Greece, but also in Europe and around the world. On May 2014, she was elected MEP with SYRIZA.

-Charoula Giazhanis, Regional Executive Advisor on Volunteering, European Programs and Immigration: “EU Contribution to social cohesion in island Greece. The case of the South Aegean Region “.

Haroula Yasirani is Regional Councilor of the South Aegean, appointed for Volunteerism and European Programs (2014) and Vice-President of the Region of South Aegean Development Region – ENERGY SA He was also elected a member of the South Aegean Regional Committee for Equality (2014) and was a Municipal Councilor of the Municipality of Rhodes (2011-2014).

She has participated in a number of informative and experiential workshops and conferences as a contributor to the fight against violence against women and children and she has been a leader in the establishment and operation of the hostel and the Counseling Center for women victims of violence in Rhodes.

She is a Founding Member and President of the International ΜΚΟ Women without Frontiers (2001), and she is a member and has served in the following ΜΚΟ:

▪ Vice President of the Development, Cultural and Environmental Association (ΑΠΟΠΕΣ) of the eastern districts of Rhodes

▪ Founding member of the Anti-Nuclear Mediterranean Observatory

▪ President of the Association of Parents’ Associations in Rhodes

▪ Founding member and General Secretary of Rhodes Women’s Cultural Association.

– Michael G. Kavuklis, President of the House of Europe in Rhodes: “Reflections and reflections on the future of the United Europe: the civil society side”.

Michalis Kavuklis was born and raised in Rhodes. He studied Political Sciences and Diplomacy at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. He holds postgraduate studies in the “Political, Economic and International Relations of the Mediterranean” by the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean in Rhodes, where he currently holds a Doctorate degree.

Since 2005, he runs a small advertising agency in Rhodes, specialized in local and online marketing. In search of innovation, the company has specialized in the promotion of small and large businesses, NGOs, artists and of course Rhodes as a tourist destination, using both online and offline media and combining all the benefits of printed and digital applications.

In 2007, he became a member of the House of Europe in Rhodes, since 2007 he is his representative in the Youth Network of the European Network for Education – EUNET, e.V.. and since 2009 a member of the Board of Directors. In 2014 he was elected President of the House. As part of his participation he has created since 2010 and since then manages the award-winning simulation of the RhodesMRC – Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation Conference. As Chair of the House he represents in various committees of EUNET, the Anna Lindh Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Network and other bodies at national, European and international level.

The discussion will be coordinated by the European and Coordinator of the 103.7 In Rhodes Red Polly Hatzimarkou. Polly Hatzimarkou is a Graduate in History and Art Theory and European Culture and Coordinator of the Radio Station in Rhodes Red 103,7.

From 2000 to 2007 he worked as a curator and scientific associate in succession at the Museum of Neo-Hellenic Art of the Municipality of Rhodes and in the Cultural Development Organization of the Prefecture of Dodecanese.

Since 2000, she is an independent curator of art exhibitions in a number of public and private cultural institutions, while her texts have been published in artistic publications.

She is a teacher of the Center for Lifelong Learning of the Municipality of Rhodes, teaching Art History, and has previously taught at the Adult Education Center of the Dodecanese (KEE) as well as in private ΤΕΕ.

In addition, he has given a series of lectures and presentations in the fields of visual arts, European culture and cultural tourism. He has been a radio producer since 2003 and has been a cultural editor in various media since 2000.

Participation in the event is free to the public.

Sponsor of Communication: In Red – Rhodes 103.7

With Neohellenic Art Museum’s support, Municipality of Rhodes.

Monitoring attestations will be given.