The House of Europe in Rhodes

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At the request of the Organizing Committee, the International Rhodes International Regional Organizations Conference, or RhodesMRC, was formally included in the World Tourism Organization’s calendar for the International Sustainable Tourism Year celebrations. See the related link here:

RhodesMRC 2017 was recognized as the official event of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for two key roles: 1) It is a great example of academic tourism that hatches travelers who value diversity, respect the cultural heritage and discover their place of residence and 2) its simulated committees on tourism and sustainability issues.

The 70th UN General Assembly designated 2017 the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (A / RES / 70/193): a unique opportunity to highlight sustainable tourism’s contribution to the development of public and private sector leaders and the public , while at the same time mobilizing those involved to work together and make tourism a catalyst for positive change.

As part of the Global Sustainable Development Goals, the International Year aims to support changes in policies, practices and consumer behavior aimed at a more sustainable tourism sector that helps achieve the Global Goals. The International is promoting its role in five key areas:

(1) Participatory and Sustainable Economic Development

(2) Social participation, employment and poverty reduction

(3) Efficient resource management, environmental protection and climate change

(4) Cultural values, diversity and cultural heritage

(5) Mutual understanding, peace and security.

The World Tourism Organization, the UN’s specialized tourism agency, has taken responsibility for facilitating and implementing the International Year, in cooperation with governments, relevant UN system organizations, international and regional organizations and other stakeholders.

The 8th RhodesMRC will take place in Rhodes, October 11-15, 2017 at the university level – open to students and graduates – and November 9-12, 2017 at the high school level – open to students from Grade 3 to Grade 3.

School and university students, young scientists in law and political science, international relations and diplomats meet in Rhodes every year to simulate the work of the bodies and committees of various regional organizations gaining valuable experience in negotiation and decision-making. To date, the conference has hosted over 1200 participants from 22 countries and is the largest annual academic event held in Rhodes and organized by purely local organizations.

As an academic pioneer, RhodesMRC is dedicated exclusively to regional cooperation. In the past seven years unique simulations such as those for the Mediterranean Union, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the North Atlantic Council and the NATO Euro-Atlantic Council have been run by NATO. American States, the African Union, a Conference on Middle East Peace and the Council of Europe, this year adding the European Union, the League of Arab States and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.

RhodesMRC has received several distinctions for its originality and unique nature:

  • under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr Thorbjørn Jagland, in 2015, 2016 and 2017,
  • one of the top programs for European Youth in 2013 by Nantes Creative Generations in France,
  • was the key player in the 2012 House of Europe award in Rhodes by the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.

Strengthening the ever-current theme of “Towards Effective Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development at a Regional Level”, from 2017, RhodesMRC honors and dedicates to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our entire organizational chart and practices, committee issues, and generally our conduct as a conference will become increasingly relevant to the Global Goals, in multiple direct and indirect ways.

RhodesMRC 2017 is organized by the House of Europe in Rhodes, the South Aegean Region, the Municipality of Rhodes, the Mediterranean Studies Department of the University of the Aegean and the European Network for Education and Training – EUNET. The Black Sea International Center for Studies, Kadir Has University’s Center for International and European Studies in Istanbul and the University of Athens’ European Integration and Policy Laboratory are academic collaborators, while the conference maintains strong links with others abroad and Greece.

The organizer of the conference is a highly experienced Organizing Committee that has undertaken to carry out such a demanding event. The scientific responsibility of the event has a Scientific Committee consisting of 25 teachers and academics from 10 Universities from 4 countries, while a Bureau of experienced young scientists and students will run the simulation.

Two waves of university admissions have already been completed with more than 380 applications and 3/4 of the available positions already filled by individual participants and organized missions by 10 universities from three countries. Enrollments will continue until 31/07/2017, and the openings for high school simulation will soon open.

More information is posted on the official website of the event:

For general information:

For applications: