«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only».
The Board of Directors of the House of Europe in Rhodes met on the occasion of the death of Nicholas Consta, President of the House of Europe in Thessaloniki. The Board of Directors unanimously decided to adopt and publish this resolution as a minimum tribute to the First President of the House, as the House of Europe in Rhodes was established on 31/12/1999 as an annex to that of Thessaloniki, under the chairmanship and direction of Nicholas Constanta, for become autonomous in 2000, as an autonomous association of persons.
Nikolaos Consta, a Navy officer in retirement, died at the age of 92 on February 10, 2018, as he announced on his social media channels where his son, a prominent financial journalist, Christos Constas, maintains an account. As the son of the deceased, the President of the House of Europe in Thessaloniki, goes on to say, he traveled to meet his 54-year-old wife, Chris, whom he had lost a few years ago.
Nikolaos Consta, under his auspices, helped found the House of Europe in Rhodes and was a keen and helpful guide and consultant to the first administrations of the House, assisting them in their first steps and first decisions, as well as supporting them in their every endeavor step, boasting about the international successes of the House of Rhodes. He was equally supportive of the transition of the administration of the House to a younger generation. As he said in his moving letter on the 15 years of the House of Europe in Rhodes, read at the special ceremony held on 07/05/2015, Nikolaos Consta refers to the House of Europe in Rhodes as one of the best in Europe, while concluding the letter he notes: “[..] I want to assure you, I loved Rhodes when I first came in 1948, as a young Navy officer, and the House of Europe in Rhodes is my fourth child. ”
The Board of Directors of the House of Europe in Rhodes expresses its condolences to the relatives of the deceased, but also to all those and those who were inspired and came closer to the common vision of a united Europe, thanks to the many years’ work and encouragement of a great man like Nikos.
For the Board of Directors,
The president
Michael G. Kavuklis
The Secretary
Magdalene P. Tsourdiou