The House of Europe in Rhodes

«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only».

The House of Europe in Rhodes, as part of its “Expressions in Dialogue: Innovative youth work on refugee inclusion through Living Libraries” program, an Erasmus + funded strategic partnership, invites stakeholders to participate in the first action of the program, to be held February 9-16, 2019, in Tallinn, Estonia. It is an intensive train-the-trainers seminar and aims to train the 20 participants in the Live Libraries process as innovative practices for working with young people to integrate immigrants and refugees.

The program is the second in a series of Expressions in Dialogue, which was successfully completed with funding from the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue of Cultures, and resulted in the training of two people from Rhodes on the Living Libraries methodology and implementation pilot project for the first time in Greece in Rhodes in May 2017.

Through the program, development teams are set up by the stakeholders to disseminate the methodology to young people who are actively engaged, and even with young immigrants and refugees, in their smooth integration into society. The methodology helps both the integration of immigrants themselves and the preparation and tolerance of immigrant and refugee societies, as well as the integration of other marginalized groups.

At a strategic level, the partners hope to develop a large network of trainers and individuals specialized in the Live Libraries methodology and the creation of local groups that will act as process replicators and trainers.

The inaugural meeting of the project managers took place in Rhodes on 29-30 September 2018. The first major training will take place in February 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia, followed by the second meeting of the project managers in Magenta, Italy, an additional training meeting in October 2019 in Barcelona and finally the final meeting of the program again in Rhodes, February 2020.

In the meantime, agencies from five countries (Greece, Estonia, Spain, Italy, France) are developing local teams and will take corresponding actions in their area. The goal is to collect good practices and create a platform that will fully inform the methodology of each stakeholder to apply. Note that the Live Libraries methodology puts people with different stories in the ‘books’ position, and in an organized and controlled environment, invites ‘readers’ to read, get to know, experience real stories and experiences, thereby breaking down stereotypes and prejudices, with the key to tolerance and intercultural dialogue.

Details for the first seminar “Capacity Building Seminar in Tallinn, Estonia”

Dates: February 9-16, 2019 (first and last day dedicated to travel)

Characteristics of the participant

The seminar is designed for a group of twenty young people working on youth issues, integration and integration of refugees and immigrants, locally active citizens and teachers who already have some work experience in intercultural dialogue. Participants should work in this intercultural environment and develop corresponding strategies for their stakeholders and local communities, as national agencies, and therefore trainees, will be required to train others in the Living Libraries methodology, but also Live Libraries in their local community.

Seminar organizer

The seminar is hosted by Trajectorya, a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization. It was established with the aim of promoting lifelong learning and non-formal education as means of enhancing human dignity and intercultural dialogue. Trajectorya provides education and consulting services to non-governmental organizations and educational institutions working with young, educated and adult learners. More at:

Selection process

Participants from Greece will be selected from the House of Europe in Rhodes, through the open call and direct invitations process with the aim of finalizing a balanced group (gender, experiences, cultural background and organizations). Priority will be given to participants coming from the ranks of the members of the House of Europe in Rhodes or associates with it. Outside Rhodes individuals can participate as long as they can support the development of relevant practices (organizing a local team, training other people) in the context of the implementation of the program, as defined by the Rhodes House of Europe as a partner of the program. The mission will have a total size of 4 people.

Terms and conditions of participation

  • Participants are responsible for booking, purchasing and paying for their airfare to and from Tallinn. Shipping costs are reimbursed up to 360 € for travel from Greece. The cost of local transport (from airport to hotel, hotel-training area, etc.) is borne by the participants.
  • Double room accommodation and nutrition for the duration of the program are covered by the organizers, with the exception of free day meals, on February 13th.
  • Extra days are not covered by the organizers.
  • Participants undertake to conduct at least one Live Library session in Rhodes from March-August 2019, to actively participate in the operation of the local group in which they are participating, and to undertake initiatives to effectively educate and train at least four other Living Methodists in each , under the supervision and in collaboration with the House of Europe in Rhodes.

To express interest, send your resume (in Greek or English) to no later than January 8, 2019, entitled “Expressions in Dialogue CV”.