The House of Europe in Rhodes

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

Για μια Ενωμένη Ευρώπη από το 2000

The “Multiplier event for promotion of project results and transfer of good practices in Greece”, which took place in the University, Thessaloniki was held within the framework of the project ” Enhancing social inclusion through introduction of innovative methods in youth work “, contract No. 2020-2-BG01-KA205-079598, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission with leading partner Association for Social Solidarity and prosperity (Bulgaria) in partnership with Omilos UNESCO (Greece).

The event was attended by representatives of various sectors related to youth work, including representatives of the sectors of school education, university education, representatives of institutions, NGOs working with young people and social services working with young people. In the framework of interactive presentations, all the intellectual products developed under the project were presented, and the main focus of the discussions was placed on the possibilities of practical application of the results achieved under the project, good practices and the developed intellectual products in the usual work and in subsequent projects of the organizations participating in the event. The following intellectual products developed under the project were presented:

  1. “Innovative training methods for working with young people (14-28 years)” – an innovative methodology aimed at developing skills representing an innovative comparison between digital and entrepreneurial competences, taking into account the needs of young people in a disadvantaged position and including elements of digital competences (DIGCOMP) and entrepreneurial competencies (EntreComp);
  2. Interactive map “Digital skills for entrepreneurship”, representing a digital-based training tool;
  3. “Educational platform with mobile application” representing an integrated digital-based training tool and integrating elements of the methodology “Innovative training methods for working with young people (14-28 years)” and the Interactive map “Digital skills for entrepreneurship”.

More information about the event and the products developed can be found at: