The House of Europe in Rhodes

RhodesMRC 2018

«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only». With eleven international simulated organizations, almost every country on the planet will have at least one aspiring diplomat to represent it in […]

Training Program in Siena

«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only». Teachers and trainers from different countries gathered and shared their good practices and their difficulties in teaching various forms of education: formal, […]

Vision for 2016 onwards!

«Current translation pending review – For demonstration only». Extroversion! With stronger contact with our international networks, the European Network for Education and Training – EUNET and our active participation, and […]


The House of Europe in Rhodes started its Internship Program. It hosts the first trainee who is Elona Cuka, a fourth-year student in the Department of Mediterranean Studies. Elona studies International Relation […]

Students visited our House

Students of primary classes of the 3rd Elementary School of Rhodes, accompanied by their teachers and Mr. Emmanuel Sofos, School Director and leader of Teachers4Europe program, visited the House of Europe in […]