A trip to Rhodes as prize for the winners of the Olympiade of Ancient Greek in Austria
The trip and stay to Rhodes was the prize the Greek-Austrian Association which has its seat in Vienna has offered to the winners of the Olympiade of Ancient Greek, which […]
“The Phoenicians and their course around the Mediterranean Sea”
Within the frame of the 4 year lasting (2008-2012) European Program MARE NOSTRUM, where the House of Europe in Rhodes participates as an associate, a very interesting presentation was made […]
Guiding and receiving the Austrian prized pupils in the House of Europe in Rhodes
A group of Austrian pupils, winners of the Olympiade of Ancient Greek Language, escorted by the President of the, in Wien, Greek-Austrian Association, Mrs. Maria Mavromichali-Botz, have been guided by […]
Guided excursion to the village of Asclepios
Beginning of the winter period with a very interesting excursion with two busses to the village of Asclipios. Guided visit, by our member Mrs. Maritsa Mandikou-Hoedlmoser, professional diplomed guide of […]